Friday, January 29, 2010

One Computer; One World

I had the fortunate ability to attend an International Baccalaureate International Mindedness conference this past weekend.  Wow, how inspiring!  I learned so many things about opening up the world to my students, and I'm looking forward to applying it.

The most critical component I want to implement this year in my IB classes is world-wide connections.  We currently are reading texts from Japan, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia .  I am looking for students in those countries to speak to their experience, worldview, and lives abroad, so that my students can open their perspective--even while sitting in their seat in Commerce City.

I am hoping to foster this international communication through Skype, email, and/or blogs.  I'll post as soon as my students and I have some success upon which to reflect.

What a marvelous time we live in...we can talk to someone thousands of miles away, cultures apart, and worlds diffefrent than our own with nothing more than a few clicks of a mousepad.