Friday, May 7, 2010

Old-Fashioned Technology

Our classrooms have:
Sound systems.
Hard wired and wireless Internet access.

But, get this, they also have those old-fashioned, cold, streamlined desks.  Some have graffiti.  Some have bubble pink, bubble gum underneath.  Some teeter due to a missing leg. 

But recently, I realized how much they can be useful.  I have been having a hard time in my classrooms with my physical arrangement and groupings.  I have had the groups in 4, and 6, to facilitate active engagement.  However, I have noticed that less students talk overall.  They can hide, even in groups of 4-6. 

So after some reflection and looking around my room, I changed the room layout, so that my old-fashioned desks are just in pairs.  2.  Two.  It's hard to hide in a group of two students.  As a result, my room is filled with more voices chattering about the content.

And that puts an old-fashioned smile on my face.

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